RP Hutchins Ltd – GDPR
RP Hutchins Ltd – GDPR
Privacy Notice 2018
In order to comply with the GDPR, RP Hutchins Ltd would like to disclose the following information about your data.
RP Hutchins Ltd would like to assure all our customers that the data we collect is for the operational aspect of the business, whether that’s for operational, accounting or marketing purposes. The data we store is specific and only includes the following contact details;
- customer name
- address
- postcode
- telephone number
- primary contacts name
- primary contacts email
- primary contacts number
This information is stored to create a profile of you as a customer on our Simpro and Xero Software Systems. Simpro is a job management (operational) platform which interlinks with Xero our accounting system. Both platforms are secure cloud based software systems that help in our day to day business operations. The data is also used for marketing purposes, where we give our customers the right to ‘unsubscribe’ to any material.
RP Hutchins Ltd would like to state that no data is passed on or sold to a third party, that data we store is for business purposes only.
RP Hutchins Ltd store all the data we collect digitally on the cloud, nothing is stored on file. We collect the data either directly from each customer or in a monitory of cases, indirectly, using the website of the customer.
To remain compliant, RP Hutchins Ltd will strive to keep all the data we store as accurate as possible and continually work towards correcting any inaccuracies by maintaining a clear line of communication. You may also wish for us to release the data we store, we will release any customer data once your identity has been confirmed. If you wish for RP Hutchins to delete your data please contact us immediately.
Please email either Ray or Chris Hutchins on accounts@rphutchins.co.uk for any questions regarding your customer data.
Rational Service Partners for the South West (UK).

To find out more about the Safe Contractor Scheme or to discuss our Gassafe certifications please call 01822 612617